Tri Darmanto

Tri Darmanto, born in Sragen on November 13, 1978, entered the Indonesian Literature Program Study at Sebelas Maret University (UNS) in 1999 as his first choice, driven by his passion for language and literature since elementary school.

Throughout his college years, Tri Darmanto enthusiastically studied various courses, with a focus on foreign languages such as English, Dutch, and Arabic. The foundation he gained in learning foreign languages motivated him to explore and learn other foreign languages, fueling his interest in traveling abroad.

After graduating in 2003, Tri Darmanto had the opportunity to teach in several countries, including Malaysia (2007), Singapore (2010), Thailand (2014), and most notably in Japan (2016 to 2022). In Japan, Tri Darmanto taught Indonesian language at Sekolah Indonesia Luar Negeri (SILN) from elementary to high school levels. He also taught Indonesian to foreigners in the country, known as BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing). Surprisingly, there was significant interest among foreign speakers in learning the Indonesian language. In Japan, there were even high schools with a specialization in Indonesian language (Kanto High School), and several universities offered this as a major.

During his leisure time in Japan, Tri Darmanto also wrote poetry and short stories. Approximately 10 books have been published to date. He also had the opportunity to mentor creative writing students majoring in Indonesian language in Japan from 2017 to 2022. Tri Darmanto was trusted to serve as a judge in the annual Indonesian language speech competition, and the winners of this competition were invited to participate in the Indonesian Independence Day celebration at Merdeka Palace in Jakarta.

Tri Darmanto also represented Indonesia in international events such as the International Youth Camp in 2019. In an official capacity, from the third year (2018 to 2022), Tri Darmanto served as the vice principal at Tokyo Indonesian School and chaired PPLN (Panitia Pemilihan Luar Negeri, Commission on Election for abroad) at Tokyo in 2019.