Muhammad Hafidz Assalam

Muhammad Hafidz Assalam, born in Surakarta on May 25, 1988, is an alumnus of the undergraduate program in Indonesian Literature Program Study at Sebelas Maret University, graduating in 2006. In 2012, he pursued his master’s degree (S-2) in Literary Studies at Gadjah Mada University, and in 2018, he became a civil servant lecturer in the Indonesian Literature program at State University of Medan.

As a civil servant lecturer, he actively engages in the Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi, which include research, teaching, and community service. Together with his team, he has received research grants from the Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan (Curriculum and Book Center), focusing on local wisdom in North Sumatra as the basis for developing teaching materials for Indonesian language subject. In subsequent research projects, he developed teaching materials for Indonesian language and literature with a focus on disaster mitigation for high school students in Karo Regency, teaching materials with a gender equality perspective for junior high school students in Samosir Regency, and ecology-based teaching materials. The results of these research projects were published in the JOALL journal in 2023. Additionally, he has produced other research products, including digitally interpreted folktales from North Sumatra and poetry anthologies with students.

Hafidz has received recognition from State University of Medan as an outstanding student advisor in 2022. He is actively involved in literary activities, teaching, and writing articles based on research and community service, which are published in accredited journals. He served as the Head of the Language and Literature Laboratory in the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature from 2021. In 2023, he obtained a scholarship from LPDP to pursue his doctoral studies in the field of Humanities at Gadjah Mada University. In October 2023, he was selected as a participant in the Indonesian Language Congress VII in Jakarta.