
Indonesian Literature Program Study has an aligned Vision, Mission, and Objectives with the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret. These are outlined in the decision of the Dean’s Decree Number 3846/UN27.01/TU2014 and reaffirmed by the Academic Senate Decree of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences Number 2873/UN27.01/OT.00.01/2021, dated July 26, 2021. The Objectives of the Indonesian Literature Program Study in the curriculum are as follows:

  1. Producing graduates who are devout to God, possess noble character, independence, and professionalism in the fields of Indonesian linguistics, Indonesian literature, and Malay philology. The graduates also have excellent competence, adaptability, innovation, and the ability to utilize the latest technology and information.
  2. Generating research that is practical, innovative, creative, and productive for the advancement of society.
  3. Creating research innovations that are utilized for the benefit of society in the fields of language, literature, and Malay philology, which are adaptive, innovative, and implementable.

Indonesian Literature Program Study conducts periodic monitoring to meet the job market and employers or society needs. This monitoring is done through various methods, including summoning industry and business practitioner, career workshops, creative industry language training, scholarly seminars at national and international levels, expert lectures, student seminars, collaboration with partners (business and various universities, both domestic and international), alumni meetings, tracking graduates, and employers feedback. Additionally, to support a dignified, ethical, and critical academic environment, Indonesian Literature Program develops a curriculum that aligns with advancements, emphasizing ethical and logical abilities.